Saturday, June 26, 2010


This is something that i came across that I had written it when i was about 11, I think. Interesting to see how your views change...
Heaven, the perfect place. If we spend out time being good Christians, we go there in the end, or so they say. Lately, I've questioned that statement quite a bit. If you stop to think about heaven and what you've been taught about it, then some vey interesting questions come to light.

For instance, is heaven a perfect place? For the most part, people say yes. So, if heaven is a perfect place, then it surely has a perfect ruler to keep it prefect, right? So then, is God perfect? Again, some would say yes. Then ask yourself this question, Is god male or female? If you say yes, then God is imperfect, as that discriminates against females. If you say God is female, then God is still imperfect as that discriminates against males. So, lest say, for the sake of argument, that God is neither, but in fact, both yet neither.

Now, how about another question? Is God good or evil? To say he is good and only good, would be discriminating against evil, and again have an imperfect God. If you say he is evil(of course no one i know of would), then you have a discrimination against good, which again, causes an imperfect god.

You're probably wondering what my point is.My point is, that for God to be perfect, then God has to have been, at one time, the best being ever, to have been lived at a nother time, to have been the world, the universe, the realms. But also the most vile and evil being to have ever been. But that isnt' it. God would also have to have been male and female, dog and cat, deer and hunter. So for a being to be perfect it has to experienced every single possible situation, human and non-human.
Now to my main point. Is heaven a perfect place? If heaven is the way most people believe it to be, then it's not. For, being a good christian all your life, just doesn't cut it. If everyone who was a good christian went to heaven, there would be chaos, because everyone would be good matured, but no one would know why. Sooner or later, all jell woudl break loose because of the poor souls lack of knowledge when it comes to why good is good and bad is bad.
God knows why good is good and bad is bad, and not because someone told him, but because he has been there in every imaginable situation. To just tell someone that something is good because of this or something is bad because of that, just doesn't cut it. So, for a soul to get to heaven, then it must be perfect and to be perfect the soul would know why good is good and bad is bad.
For all you God fearing Christians, don't sweat it, for God has it all worked out for the better. For just one moment, put all your religous prejudices aside, and think about the following...All time is a constant and all time happens simultaneously. You are born and die in the same instant, yet it takes forever, all in the same moment.
Just imagine for one second, that when you are born, your soul is nothing but a little dot in the middle of a massive circle. At the moment of your birth, your soul breaks into an infinite number of lines taht all lead to the outer edge of the circle. Now, each line from the center is a tatally different life you l ive. One life, you're a saint, one a serial killer, another your a cat or a dog. It really doesn't matter because the outer edge of the circle is death.
When all of the lines of your soul meet at the outer edge of the circle, they unite into your perfect being. Through this, you learn why good is good and evil is evil. And you know the difference because you've experienced it, not because someone has told you. The great thing is, that because time is simultaneous, your birth and death happen at the exact same moment, although, one may have lasted fifty years longer than the rest.

Since all time happens at the same moment, then all of your soul lines meet at the edge of the circle at the same time. No life has to wait for the rest of it's soul to catch up. When you die, it's all there, perfection and heaven awaiting you.

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